Raw white keto chocolate candies
30. november 2018
: 15 min
: 15 min
: Super easy
- 50g raw cacao butter
- 20g cashew nuts
- 15g erythritol (or other natural low carb sweetener)
- Vanilla, pinch of salt
- Dried raspberry, lingonberry or cranberry crisps for adding sour note and decorating
- SAMM 1 Wash and soak cashew nuts in water.
- SAMM 2 Add nuts, cocoa butter and sweetener into blender and blend until smooth and creamy. It is not necessary to melt the cocoa butter before, because the blender becomes warm enough to melt it itself.
- SAMM 3 Pour the mixture into candy molds, adding dried berry crust for flavor. Sprinkle with gold dust for glamorous look :-). It is better to keep the candies refrigerated, otherways they will become soft.
NUTRITION (per 100g)
Energy 662 kcal
Total Fat 68g
Fat Percentage 92%
Net Carbohydrates 8g
Protein 5g