Coconut jogurt with cocoa and berries

Coconut jogurt with cocoa and berries

Coconut joghurt with cocoa and berries

10. jaanuar 2019
: 1
: 5 min
: 5 min
: Easy


  • 100g coconut jogurt ( i used Abbot Kinney`s where is 2.8g net carbs per 100g. Try to find one that is also low in carbs)
  • 10g (organic, raw) cocoa powder
  • 15g sweetener (i use FiberFin syrups or erythritol in desserts)
  • 10g MCT oil
  • Vanilla or cinnamon to taste
  • 30g sea buckthorn (or other) berries
  • SAMM 1 Mix (coconut)jogurt with cocoa powder, sweetener and vanilla.
  • SAMM 2 Garnish with fresh or frozen berries.
  • SAMM 3 Add muesli or chocolate chips if you want.

NUTRITION (per portion 130g)

Energy 243 kcal
Total Fat 23g
Fat Percentage 85%
Net Carbohydrates 3,8g
Protein 4g

* Trim the fat percentage by reducing or adding MCT (or some other) oil