Keto almond-raspberry mini souffle cakes

Keto almond-raspberry mini souffle cakes

Keto almond-raspberry mini souffle cakes

13. jaanuar 2019
: 3
: 10 min
: 20 min
: 30 min
: Easy


  • 2 eggs
  • 60g butter or ghee
  • 50g almond flour
  • 20g FiberFin (resistant potato starch)
  • 20g sweetener (i used Sukrin Icing Sugar)
  • 3g baking powder
  • 45g berries (i used raspberries)
  • Pinch of salt and vanilla to taste
  • SAMM 1 Preheat the oven to 170C.
  • SAMM 2 Whisk eggs with pinch of salt and melted butter until creamy.
  • SAMM 3 Mix all dry ingredients together and add into butter mixture.
  • SAMM 4 Butter in three small cake cups. Devide1/3 of the butter between the cups, add the raspberries (15g per cup) and pour in rest of the batter.
  • SAMM 5 Bake 170C around 20 minutes, until cakes and fluffy and lightly golden.
  • SAMM 6 Garnish with low carb icing sugar.

NUTRITION (per 100g/1 portion)

Energy 315 kcal
Total Fat 28g
Fat Percentage 80%
Net Carbohydrates 4,6g
Protein 8g