Keto gingerbread cookies

Keto gingerbread cookies

Keto gingerbread cookies

9. jaanuar 2019
: 30 min
: 30 min
: 1 hr


  • Dough:
  • 175g almond flour
  • 25g coconut flour
  • 5g psyllium flour
  • 50g sweetener (i used Sukrin Gold brown sugar)
  • 10g cocoa powder (optional, but adds a nice hint of chocolate)
  • 1/2 tsp xantan gum
  • 1/2 tsl baking soda
  • 2-3 tsp spices- ground cinnamon, -cardamon, -ginger and -nutmeg, pinch of black pepper. If possible use freshly grounded spices, there is a huge difference in taste!
  • 1 egg
  • 100g butter (browned)

  • Icing:
  • 100g Sukrin Icing Sugar (or other low carb powdered sweetener, sifted)
  • 1 large room-temperature egg white
  • 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • Pinch of lemon juice
  • Natural coloring if needed
  • SAMM 1 First brown the butter. Heat it gently over low heat, stirring conctantly. Slowly raise the temperature, stir all the time until the butter starts to foam. Be very careful that the butter would not turn too brow. When it is perfect, quickly take it off the heat and stir it until the butter is cooling down.
  • SAMM 2 In a medium-sized mixing bowl, whisk together the brown butter, Sukrin gold and 1 whole egg. Mix thoroughly.
  • SAMM 3 In a seperate bowl, mix together all dry ingredients (almond flour, coconut flour, baking soda, xanthan gum, and all spices). Mix well.
  • SAMM 4 Pour your butter mixture into the dry ingredients, and combine together. Pour the dough onto a sheet of cling wrap and wrap tightly.
  • SAMM 5 Keep in the fridge minimum for 1 hour but the longer the better. Then the spices will give out their best. I even try to make the dough one or two weeks earlier, then the cookies taste better.
  • SAMM 6 Preheat your oven to 170C. Take the gingerbread mixture out of the fridge, place between two sheets of plastic wrap and roll out until around 5mm thickness. Stamp out the gingerbread men shapes with a cutter, then re-roll any off-cuts and repeat.
  • SAMM 7 If you want, brush the cookies with beaten egg mixture to make them more shiny.
  • SAMM 8 Place onto a baking sheet lined with partchment paper and bake for 10-12 minutes until golden brown and crispy. Repeat until all the dough is used up.
  • SAMM 9 Icing: mix the egg white with a pinch of salt, add slowly icing sugar. If the mixture is hard enough then add cream of tartar, continue mixing.
  • SAMM 10 Put the mixture into a decorating tube, so it would not dry out.
  • SAMM 11 Use instantly only on completely cool cookies. Let it dry out completely.

NUTRITION (per 100g dough)

Energy 473 kcal
Total Fat 45g
Fat Percentage 86%
Net Carbohydrates 0,8g
Protein 11g