Keto maasikakook laimiga

Keto maasikakook laimiga

Keto lime&strawberry cake

22. jaanuar 2019
: 1 hr
: 1 hr
: 2 hr
: Easy


  • Crust:
  • 300g almonds, blended
  • 150g coconut flakes, slightly roasted, blended
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 15g (1 tbsp) sweetener (i used Sukrin Gold)
  • 25g (1 tbsp) coconut oil
  • 1/2 lime zest
  • Salt and vanilla to taste

  • Filling:
  • 100g butter, melted
  • 80g sweetener (i used Sukrin Icing Sugar)
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 12g gelatine (7 leafs)
  • 100ml lime juice (of 4 limes)
  • 200g coconut milk (i used Santa Maria Extra Creamy Coconut Milk)
  • 100g coconut oil

  • Top layer:
  • 500g strawberries
  • 200ml/g water
  • 50g sweetener (i used Sukrin Icing Sugar)
  • 12g gelatine (7 leafs)
  • SAMM 1 For the crust wash the almonds and let them dry out again.
  • SAMM 2 Slightly roast the coconut flakes (and almonds also if you like) 160C about 5minutes, until they turn slightly golden.
  • SAMM 3 Let then cool down and blend in a foodprocessor until becomes a flour. Mix with coconut oil, season and press into the base and up the sides of a 28cm loose-based tart tin.
  • SAMM 4 For the filling beat the eggs together with melted butter, sweetener and pinch of salt. Add coconut milk and oil. Heat the mixture on a low heat until it warm enough for the gelatine to dissolve. Then whisk in pre soaked gelatine leaves. At last add the lime juice.
  • SAMM 5 Let the mixture cool down and pour into the crust. Put it into refrigerator or freezer.
  • SAMM 6 For the top layer slice the strawberries and strain the juice. Add 200ml water and sweetener to the juice and heat it on a small saucepan until it becomes warm enough for the pre soaked gelatine leaves to dissolve. When this mixture is ready and the gelatine is dissolved, add the strawberries.
  • SAMM 7 When it is completely cooled down, pour the mixture to the cake. Let it sit another hour in the freezer or couple of hours in the fridge.
  • SAMM 8 Can be served half-frozen or just chilled. I love it half-frozen! Decorate with fresh strawberries.

NUTRITION (per 100g)

Energy 300kcal
Total Fat 28g
Fat Percentage 83%
Net Carbohydrates 4,4g
Protein 7g